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November 22 to November 24, 2012 / 6 to 9 pm
Micha Purucker
news garden / private echoes (Premiere)

-> Immatrikulationshalle der TU München

news garden – a landscape of reporting for six performers and one voice

Micha Purucker‘s third choreographic scuplture: The public news stations’ idiosyncratic “news-speak”, blended and recontextualised with the altogether different concentration and affectivity of the dancers. The project addresses in abstract form the questionable amalgamation of world news with our respective local, personal, domestic situations as we all experience them at the breakfast table, at work, in our cars, as we listen to the radio, watch TV or read the paper. The dancers’ emotions and their inwardness produce a stark contrast to the professional indifference of the news anchor. The dancers and performers illustrate nothing, they do not recount or service any particular content, and yet links and cross connections keep emerging between the acoustic and visual levels. What becomes most interesting then, are the blurred intersections. The discrepancy between a specific textual content and the inherent openness of the choreographic narrative added to the fact that the two are perceived on different levels creates a kind of potential for unrest in this production. And there emerges a new territory of meaning which oscillates between acoustic and kinetic elements and information and opens towards an infinite number of personal interferences.

choreographic sculpture passing by between 6 and 9 p.m.

With Michael Althauser, Steven Barrett, Ariel Cohen, Gonçalo Cruzinha, Alessandra Defazio, Gabriele Graf, Janne Gregor, Manon Greiner, Michael Kunitsch, Michele Meloni, Robert Merdzo, Manuela Müller, Akemi Nagao, Ming Poon, Peter Slabon, Davide Sportelli, Josef Weinert, ...

Supported by the Bureau for Cultural Affairs of the State Capital City of Munich and the Bavarian State Association for Contemporary Dance (BLZT) with funding from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research and Art. Micha Purucker is member of Tanztendenz München e.V.

Immatriculationhall of TU, main entrance
Arcisstr. 21
Free entrance.


Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored
by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture