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July 05, 2014 / 8.30 pm Les Nouveaux Repérages: guests & friends
side.kicks > schwere reiter
Moto Sensível - Second part of the trilogy
In this second part of the trilogy begun with the show “Estéreos Tipos”, which theme is “Hip Hop and Fragility”, three points formed and deepened the basis of research to the scene. The use of gesture in Hip Hop culture; the repetition as a basis for transformation / corruption of some signs, the search for other forms of choreography for this language. Beyond, a concern: how to use these points to sharpen the perception of the spectator, offering other viewing angles, suggesting sensations, and perhaps causing other conditions to the one who sees / interfere with the look.
Through the collaborative process, the mix of impressions and stories of the interpreters themselves, with the compositions of motion, this work also intends a magnifying glass directed to street dancer, in the beauty of their movement, strength and energy of a vigorous body and "without limits".
The repetition that seeks subversion, the transformation that seeks approach, a framing that seeks to reach the spectator in other ways, are issues that affect this work. In essence, however, remain and deepen discussions on market, culture and philosophy in Hip Hop, identified in the first show.
Direction and Choreography: Renato Cruz
Assistant Director: Aline Teixeira
Dancer: Renato Cruz, Luciana Monnerat, Luciano Mendes (duly), Jefte Francisco, Daniel Oliveira, Fábio Francisco
Light Designer: Gil Santos
Executive Producer: Steffi Vigio
Total duration of the show: 50 minutes
The Cia Híbrida is sponsored by law Incentive Culture in Brazil, through the Ministério da Cultura, Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Unimed-Rio and Conservice.
Companhia Híbrida integrates the residency program of the Choreographic Center of Rio de Janeiro.
more on youtube - teaser 1
more on youtube - teaser 2
more on youtube - teaser 3
Press Release for Download PR_side.kicks_english_2014
schwere reiter
Dachauer Straße 114
80636 München
Tram 12, 20, 21 or Bus 53
Stop Leonrodplatz
Fee: 18,- / 12,- red.
Combiticket: 30,- / 20,- (red.)
Reservation: 0049.89.721 10 15 or come to the cash desk the same evening.
Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture
The Companhia Híbrida
was founded in 2007, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with the propose of develop a unique research that mixes different kinds of artistic languages as Hip Hop Dance, Contemporary Dance, and Theatre. Since then, the company has received some important awards in Brazil, such as:
- Resident of the Choreographic Center of the city of Rio de Janeiro - since 2008 until now
- Funarte´s Award Occupation of Scenic Spaces - 2010
- Funarte´s Award of Dance Klauss Vianna - 2011
- FADA Award – Support Found for Dance - 2011 and 2012
- Fomentation of the Carioca Culture Program - 2013
Besides that, Híbrida was selected for several festivals throughout Brazil, passing through many cities, such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Bahia, Pernambuco, Minas Gerais, Ceará, and Rio Grande do Sul, becoming one of the most outstanding companies in Brazil.
In 2013 the Companhia Híbrida made your first tour out of Brazil, passing through 2 cities in France: Saint Nazaire and La Baule. This tour had a great repercussion and the company will return to premiere of your new show, OLHO NU, In november 2014, after the brazilian premiere in october 2014
Now, in 2014, the company continues presenting Moto Sensível in many theaters and already has three invitations to international festivals, beyond side.kicks in Munich/schwere reiter tanz.