Studio A
Studio B
Studio C

Studio Usage for Choreographers

Studio usage
for workshops

  Studio usage for workshops

Studios A (maximum 30 people) and C (maximum 10 people) can be rented for dance workshops or related events.

The following prices apply:
Studio A: 50 euros per hour plus VAT
Studio C: 30 euros per hour plus VAT
(Special conditions apply for occupancy of longer periods - Talk to us)

For workshops, we charge an additional lump sum of 40 euros for advertising. This fee covers announcement of your workshop, which takes place on our premises, in our dance calendar, in our newsletter and on our website.

Discuss the details with us:
Telephone: 089/ 721 10 15 or via email at:

Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored
by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture