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June 02 to June 03, 2022 / 20:30 pm STANDPUNKT.e – welcome to my world ZOO/Thomas Hauert (Belgium/Switzerland) schwere reiter
'From what do choreographers draw their inspiration? Which objects, people, thoughts, things determine their work? '
The series STANDPUNKT.e, developed by the Tanztendenz, focuses on the subtexts of artistic work and seduces the audience into other perspectives on contemporary dance. Here, choreographers invite audiences into their world and - free in their choice of tools - create very personal evenings for the Munich audience on the context and methods of their work.
The Tanztendenz series STANDPUNKT.e was developed in 2009 especially for the venue schwere reiter and will take place for the first time in 2022 in the new building of the schwere reiter, which was constructed last year. Up to now, 12 choreographers from Germany, Europe, Brazil and the USA have been guests at STANDPUNKT.e.
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In 2022, the Swiss choreographer Thomas Hauert, who lives in Brussels, will be the guest. He tours internationally with his Cie. ZOO, which he founded in 1998, and has also been a guest in Munich many times - most recently in 2021 at TANZWERKSTATT EUROPA with the evening "Re.Visited - 3 Works On Mozart" (Thomas Hauert, Rui Horta, Micha Purucker).
About Thomas Hauert
Thomas Hauert founded his company ZOO in Brussels in 1998. Cows in Space, his first piece was immediately awarded at the Rencontres de Seine-St-Denis/Bagnolet. Since then, the company has created and distributed more than 20 works. In addition to his work for ZOO, Thomas has also been invited to create works for the Zurich Ballet, Toronto Dance Theatre, Candoco Dance Company and Ballet de Lorraine among others. Alongside to his choreographic work, Thomas Hauert has developed an internationally recognized teaching method based on the movement research conducted with all the members of ZOO. Since 2013, he has been the artistic director of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance at the Manufacture - Haute Ecole des Arts de la Scène in Lausanne.
More: www.zoo-thomashauert.be
Thomas Hauert : Excerpt Interviev with Marisa Godoy dos Santos Rüegg
« … because of the [company’s] 20th anniversary – I wanted that everybody as a performer could kind of have a moment or could kind of realise a dream as the performer or something that they really wanted to do as performers, and Mat said : he would like to disappear on stage. And then we, it was kind of maybe 3 weeks before the premiere, we had kind of a week in a theatre in Brussels before we were gonna go to Liege [to do the premiere] (…) the piece was far from finished but we had kind of made a ‘filage’ [run through] kind of thing. (…) There were only a few people like friends and people from the company watching. (…) the music was over, like there was like one, one last dance that we finished and then I just said “ah, it’s not finished yet ! And now we’re gonna make Mat disappear!”, and then really amazing, we just kind of everybody just did something like, we’re gonna pretend. And then when I watched the video, I did not know how we did it - Mat was gone. And we had never talked about it, like, really. (…) And that’s like that that kind of sums it up for me, that was really my birthday present for the 20th, working with people we pull it off on stage that magic trick that really kind of requires some skill and some planning normally… »
(Thomas Hauert, excerpt from a transcript of an oral interview by Marisa Godoy dos Santos Rüegg, in the framework of her PhD dissertation “Generating co-presence: Dancer’s ways of knowing and discoveries in improvisation choreography”)
Thomas Hauert, Sarah Ludi, Federica Porello
schwere reiter
Dachauer Straße 114 a
80636 München
Tram 12, 20, 21 or Bus 53
Station Leonrodplatz
17,- Euro / red. 10,- Euro
Reservation: www.schwerereiter.de
Eine Produktion von Tanztendenz München e.V. Gefördert durch das Kulturreferat der LH München, die Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse München und durch den BLZT, Bayerischer Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz, aus Mitteln des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst
Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture