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July 03 to July 04, 2014 / 8.30 pm Les Nouveaux Repérages: guests & friends
side.kicks > schwere reiter
„Les Nouveaux Repérages“ : guests & friends
Since 2006 the Tanztendenz has been a partner in the international network for contemporary dance: Les Repérages* that initiates and fosters contacts between 15 European nations, Canada and Brazil. Every year in March representatives of the national contemporary choreographers’ scene are sent to the “Danse à Lille” festival (since 2013: “Le Grand Bain”) to Lille and Roubaix in the north of France. Emerging choreographers can present short pieces within a professional frame and make important new contacts with international presenters. Until recently, the Tanztendenz and Tanzhaus nrw in Düsseldorf alternately sent choreographers to Lille. The latter, however, have withdrawn their participation from the network, leaving the Tanztendenz as the sole German partner.
The International Choreographers’ Atelier organized biennially by the Tanztendenz has always been a format, which presented the opportunity to take part in the exchange by inviting choreographers, who had introduced their work in Lille. For the second time now the Tanztendenz will invite high-carat choreographic jewels to guest at Munich’s schwere reiter venue to reflect this new status as the network’s sole German partner:
Daniele Ninarello with his solo "Non(leg)azioni", "Cult to the Built on What" by Adam Linder and for the first time in Germany, the brazilian Companhia Híbrida with the second part of their trilogy "Moto Sensível". Welcome!
*le repérage: (determination of a) location, locating, bearing
side.kicks is presented by Tanztendenz München. With kind support by the Cultural Department of the City of Munich and the district committee 9 – Neuhausen/Nymphenburg. Supported as well by the NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ which is kindly supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, by 14 Departments of Culture and Arts of the German federal state.
Non (leg) azioni
Non(leg)azioni is a project of improv acts in various places, where the body organizes its structure in the space to find new ways and directions without intention to tell. The only purpose is to open a way to what is unknown, becoming part of the space, favouring the feeling of rightness in the Figure.
Investigating the space through body and his creativity. Trough improvisation exploring areas of the body and mind that sometimes are put aside, images and situations can reappear, full of potential and generosity that allow the poetic catharsis.
Giving life to the moment, instantly, perceive, grasp and follow, choosing to do so through the irrationality of the body.
Recognize the true nature, the first gesture that becomes movement, the root of every action that is coming, without losing the freedom and creativity.
Choreographer and dancer: Daniele Ninarello
Music: Sharon Isbin, Lute Suites J.S.Bach
Co-production and support MosaicoDanza / Festival Interplay
In collaboration with Associazione Artemovimento / Festival Insoliti
Creation selected for CDC- Les Hivernales Avignon 2011 100% Danse “Quand les régions s’en mêlent…”, a project supported by Regione Piemonte.
Cult to the Built on What
Cult to the Built on What is a dance for three performers: a body, a lectern, and language. In seeking a place for vernacular experience alongside more formalist discourses of Western theatre Linder has re-skilled as a rapper. In this Rapography, Linder uses the lectern as a crutch which supports the playing-out of multiple bodies.
Concept / Performance: Adam Linder
Scenery: Shahryar Nashat, Adam Linder
Music / Composition: Brendan Dougherty
Sound Technique: Julius Holtz
Light: Dennis Döscher
Technical Director: Andreas Harder
Photography: Thies Rätzke
Duration: 50 Minutes
A production in the frame of K3 Residence-Choreographies 2013 by K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg. Supported by the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung.
Press Release for Download PR_side.kicks_english_2014
schwere reiter
Dachauer Straße 114
80636 München
Tram 12, 20, 21 oder Bus 53
Haltestelle Leonrodplatz
Eintritt: 18,- / 12,- erm.
Kombiticket für beide Programme: 30,- / 20,- (erm.)
Reservierungen: 089 / 721 10 15 oder einfach an die Abendkasse kommen
Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture
ADAM LINDER is engaged with choreography. His works have been presented at HAU Hebbel am Ufer in Berlin, Silberkuppe in Berlin, TANZ IM AUGUST in Berlin, K3 – Centre for Choreography in Hamburg, Kunsthaus Dresden, American Realness in New York, KM – Künstlerhaus Graz, Kunstverein Nürnberg, Sophiensæle in Berlin, LISTE Performance Projects in Basel, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Basel, Halle für Kunst Lüneburg and The Watermill Centre in New York, amongst others. In the past, Linder has performed with Michael Clark, Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods and The Royal Ballet. He trained in dance at the Royal Ballet School in London.
After attending the RDA Codarts, he has the opportunity to dance with several international choreographers such as Bruno Listopad and Virgilio Sieni, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. Since 2007 he presents his creations at different festivals as Les Repérages, Les Hivernales Avignon - 100% Danse “Quand les régions s’en mêlent…”. In 2012 with the creation Bianconido he is selected for an intercontinental tour Dance Roads; and he’s the winner of DNA Roma Europa Festival mention at Premio Prospettiva Danza 2012. In 2013, for the second time, he’s finalist at “Premio Equilibrio Roma”. His new production “Rock Rose WoW” is winner of "Teatri del Tempo Presente 2013" promoted by Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo/Circuito Regionale dello Spettacolo and MiBAC-Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali.