Stephanie Felber
Caroline Finn
Sabine Glenz
Ruth Golic
Sabine Haß-Zimmermann
Stephan Herwig
Anna Holter
Judith Hummel
Jessica Iwanson
Karen Janker
Stefan Maria Marb
Angelika Meindl
Ceren Oran
Moritz Ostruschnjak
Helmut Ott
Yvonne Pouget
Micha Purucker
Johanna Richter
Claudia Senoner
Zufit Simon
Susanne Stortz
Dali Touiti
Birgitta Trommler
Katja Wachter


Member since 2016
Zufit Simon

“The emphasis and goal of my work is to question the self-evident, create confusion – first in me, then in the audience – in order to confront ourselves with our own perception and things we take for granted. I portray this, with the help of the body, as part of a bigger picture.” Zufit Simon

ZUFIT SIMON, performer and choreographer, born in Israel, completed her high school diploma in dance and studied contemporary dance at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst (HfMDK) in Frankfurt am Main.
Her works have been shown at national and international festivals, among others in Italy, Austria, Tanzania, the Czech Republic, Poland and France.

In 2012, Zufit Simon was selected for the German Dance Platform pitching in Dresden with the solo “Wild Thing”.
At the German Dance Platform 2014 at Kampnagel, Hamburg, she presented the choreographic concert “I LIKE TO MOVE IT”.
2016 - 2019 she completed the trilogy “un-emotional” about the relationships between physical language, mimicry and gestures that she has been researching and developing for several years.
Together with the director Moritz Schönecker, she opened the Theaterhaus Jena season with the production „Die Zofen“ (J. Genet) and „Judith“ (F. Hebbel) in 2015.
During the 2017/2018 season, she curated a dance series there. She has been a part of the artistic direction of the artblau Tanzwerkstatt since 2018.
Zufit Simon has been working closely with musician and video artist Fredrik Olofsson for ten years; he has been involved in all of her productions in recent years. Most recently she presented SCHÄUME (FOAM), a choreographic research of the instable (world premiere 2019, LOT-Theater Braunschweig) and together with Lois Alexander and Clarissa Rêgo she created STRANGE FOREIGN BODIES, inspired by „58 Indices on the body“ by Jean-Luc Nancy (world premiere 2020, schwere reiter, Munich).
„Passable, not Presentable“, a choreographic research on a shattered Jewish identity premiered at LOT-Theater Braunschweig in 2021, the Munich-Premiere is presented February 3 to 5, 2022, at schwere reiter.
Her piece about dance as a form of protest "Radical Cheerleading" (premiere 2022) was nominated for "DER FAUST" Deutscher Theaterpreis 2023 - Inszenierung Tanz. Watch more of her work: tanzforumberlin

"Radical Cheerleading" won the festival award of the Festival Best OFF Niedersachsen, April 2024 at Pavillon Hannover: Best OFF 2024
The production opens RODEO, festival of the independent dance and theater scene in Munich on October 9, 2024, and an excerpt will be shown during the Dance Gala in Essen on October 12 at the German Dance Award ceremony.



Tanztendenz Munich e.V. is sponsored
by the Munich Department of Arts and Culture

March, 14 + 15, 2025, 8 pm, schwere reiter [ more ]

Bodies in Rebellion
October 31 (premiere) to November 3rd, 2024, Uferstudios Berlin [ more ] December, 12 to 14, 2024, 8 pm, schwere reiter, Munich [ more ]

Radical Cheerleading
Nominated for „DER FAUST“ – Deutscher Theaterpreis 2023 - Inszenierung Tanz: [ more ],
February 22/23/24, 2024, 8 pm, schwere reiter, Munich; opening tanzmainz, March 14, 2024 [ mehr ] festival award of the Best OFF Festival Niedersachsen, Pavillon Hannover, April 25, 2024
[ Best OFF 2024 ] next touring dates see:

Passable, not Presentable
Restaging: April 5 + 6, 2023, 8.30 pm, schwere reiter [ more ]

Radical Cheerleading
NOV 18 + 19, 2022, LOT-Theater Braunschweig, [ more ], JAN 27 + 28, 2023, Uferstudios Berlin, FEB 16 to 18, 2023, schwere reiter [ more ] TRAILER

September 27 + 28, 2022, new cast
UFERSTUDIOS Berlin [ more ]

Passable, not Presentable
September 15 to 17, 2022, schwere reiter, Munich-premiere [ mehr ]
october 21 to 23, 2021, (world premiere), LOT-Theater Braunschweig [ more ]

SCHÄUME, sep 29 + 30, [ more ] STRANGE FOREIGN BODIES oct 1. + 2 / 2021, 8.30 pm, [ more ] schwere reiter, Alte Halle

Munich-Premiere: january 21 to 23, 2021, 8.30 pm, schwere reiter
link to the short film (miniaturisation)
[ VIMEO ], link to the documentation of the full length piece [ VIMEO ]

nov 19 to 21, 2020, schwere reiter, oct 1 to 3, LOT-Theater Braunschweig, dec 10 to 13, Uferstudios Berlin [ more ]

Zufit Simon & Christoph Winkler
double bill:
september 27 + 28, 2019, schwere reiter [ more ] invited to RODEO 2020, oct 28./29., MIRA Einkaufszentrum, Hasenbergl

june 20 (world premiere) to 22, 2019, schwere reiter [ mehr ]

february 28 (world premiere) to march 2 / 2019, LOT-Theater Braunschweig; may 31 and june 1st, 2019 Uferstudios Berlin [ more ]

january 17 to 19, 2019, schwere reiter [ more ] Juli 4 to 7 Uferstudios Berlin [ more ]

double bill - simon / purucker
ADOM MODULATIONS, december 15 + 16, 2018, schwere reiter [ more ]

choreographic concert, february 16+17, 2018, schwere reiter [ more ]

Trilogy about emotion and gesture, LOT-Theater Braunschweig, world premiere: october 6, 2016; january 21 + 22, 2017, schwere reiter [ more ]

world premiere: november 19, 2015 schwere reiter [ mehr ]

Die Zofen
in collaboration with Theaterhaus Jena and director Moritz Schönecker, 2015

piece of something
world premiere: september 25, 2014 Uferstudios Berlin, Invitation to RODEO-Festival München 2014

all about nothing
Solowork in collaboration with Robert Merdžo, premiere june 26, 2014, schwere reiter [ mehr ]

premiere Dezember 2013, LOT-Theater Braunschweig, performance at dock11 Berlin, 2014

SEPSIS - Das System ist vergiftet
Collaboration with Theaterhaus Jena and Moritz Schönecker, 2013

a choreographic concert, premiere Uferstudios Berlin 2013; Invitation to "Tanzplattform Deutschland", Kampnagel Hamburg, 2014

under construction
Choreography for the Pantera Dance Company in Kasan/Russland, invitation by Goethe-Institut Moskau, 2012

a Dance-Video-Performance, Opening "Herbst Festival" Uferstudios Berlin, 2011

Wild Thing
a collaboration with the composer Alexander Grebtschenko, 2010

True style
Assistance of choreographer Christoph Winkler in St. Petersburg/Russia, 2010

duet new version, 2009

duet, premiere during "Tanznacht Berlin" 2008

Meine Mischpuche
premiere at Festival "Tanz im August", Berlin 2008

Himmel und Hölle
Installation in collaboration with Commedia Furtura/Hannover, 2008

duet, Premiere at Eisfabrik/Hannover, 2007

Peak Leisure Park
collaboration with Tanzlabor 21, Mousonturm Frankfurt, Tanzplan Deutschland, 2007

Installation in collaboration with Ingo Reulecke, premiere "Tanztage" Berlin, 2006

a duet, premiere artblau Tanzwerkstatt/Braunschweig 2006

first solowork 2005; Invitation by Goethe Institut Tansania with following workshop 2009

a collaboration with Friederike Plafki, premiere sophiensaele Berlin, 2005